
Spirituality comes up in therapy, sometimes related to goals, often as what drives the session. One way of describing it is as the organizing principle in a person’s life. It can take any number of forms, including the religion you were born into or one you came to later in life. A private practice such as meditation or a commitment to social justice. A reverence for the earth or awe in the presence of the cosmos.

Spirituality can also find expression in the deeply held convictions of atheism, the hope of agnosticism or the courage found in the existentialist stance. And it can speak as well in the disappointment of those of us who say that we don’t believe in anything but envy people who do.

There’s a line of the Sufi poet Kabir’s that says, “When the Guest is being searched for, it’s the intensity of the longing for the Guest that does all the work.”

My role in this is not to tell or teach you what’s true. It’s to help you discover what’s already true for you. To help you uncover what guides you. What’s already present in your life, speaking to you, though perhaps not heard as clearly as it might be.

You can review some articles, herehere and here, that expand on some of these ideas.